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Terahertz Applications Group

Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology

Department A-Z


Terahertz spectroscopy is a very exciting technique for the physico-chemical characterisation of organic molecular crystals. By probing the hydrogen bonding networks and the phonon modes in molecular crystals the technique has a very high sensitivity to the supramolecular structure in solids.

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Terahertz radiation is unique in that it can penetrate into and through a number of materials, such as polymers, ceramics, and amorphous pharmaceutical excipients. Image or chemical data can be extracted from the reflected or transmitted radiation.

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We use complementary techniques to the terahertz measurements in order to resolve the microstructure of materials we analyse using terahertz radiation.

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TAG is active in all ways

May 15, 2020

TAG members are working from home all around the world as most people are doing these days. However, this doesn't stop our positive attitude to our research and daily life!

TAG Welcomes Our New Members

Nov 19, 2019

大家的服务器都哪买的 - V2EX:2021-5-7 · 如果只是买梯子,还不如去电报上加一堆成人 av 群,群里经常有人推荐又便宜速度又快又好用的梯子,然后按月买就行。注意,一定要按月买,就算季度或年度给予再大的优惠,也要按月买,因为梯子 …

Mike Hits Up Japan

Dec 13, 2017

Mike Ruggiero presented his latest research as an invited speaker at the MTSA2017 terahertz meeting in Okayama, Japan.

Californication for the TAG Postdocs


Daniel and Mike headed to the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists 2017 meeting in San Diego, California, where they discussed their current work.